The skill games operated by Peak Entertainment, LLC at this location are legal games of skill. As such, these games are not considered gambling devices under Texas law.
A customer can, with proper skill, succeed in each and every play of these games. First, the customer can use the preview feature to identify a successful pattern and choose to play that pattern. This can be done before the customer decides to play the game. Even if no successful pattern is available, the customer can use the second feature, known as “following the banana,” to recognize the pattern necessary to successfully complete this portion of the game. By doing so, the customer can and will achieve at least 104 percent of the cost of entry for that game. A Help screen is available in these games to guide the customer on how to play and prevail.
There is no random generator to determine whether a customer can succeed in any play of the game. A skillful customer will always be able to prevail more than the cost of playing, unlike in a traditional slot or 8-liner game. There is no retention ratio or “hold” in this game to guarantee a particular return for the operator. We experience times when customers succeed significantly more than they lose by using the skill features.
This game is owned by Peak Entertainment, LLC. For questions, please contact us at or 8554841400
(+1) 855-484-1400
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